Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu

Universitas Islam Riau

Sejarah SDGs
Universitas Islam Riau

The UIR TPB (SDGs) Study Center was established in 2020 with Decree No. 702/KPTS/UIR/2020, changing the name from the Sustainable Development Study Center (PKPB) with Establishment Decree No. 728/UIR/KPTS/2015 to the Sustainable Development Goals Study Center (PKTPB) or Center for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Studies.

Tujuan Satuan Pengawas Internal

  • Menambah Nilai bagi UIR dan Memperbaiki serta Menyempurnakan operasi organisasi  melalui Evaluasi, Kritik, dan Rekomendasi Perbaikan terhadap  proses  Manajemen Risiko, Pengendalian dan Tata Kelola
  • Membantu manajemen UIR dalam memberikan layanan aktivitas catur dharma terbaik melalui peningkatan keefektifan pengendalian internal secara efisien.
  • Menyediakan laporan hasil audit, reviu, penilaian, dan/atau evaluasi atas aktivitas unit dan memberikan rekomendasi relevan sebagai dasar pertimbangan manajemen dalam pengambilan keputusan.
  • Melakukan evaluasi terhadap kecukupan dan kehandalan pengendalian internal untuk memberikan jaminan bahwa penerimaan, pengeluaran biaya, perlindungan aset, dan laporan keuangan sudah sesuai prosedur.
  • Melakukan evaluasi terhadap kecukupan dan keandalan pengendalian internal untuk memberikan jaminan bahwa undang-undang, aturan, dan kebijakan UIR telah diikuti dan diimplementasikan.


Menjadi Satuan Pengawasan Internal yang amanah dan professional berlandaskan iman & takwa dalam mewujudkan Good Islamic University Governance.


  • Mendukung terwujudnya UIR menjadi Universitas Islam Berkelas Dunia Berbasis Iman & Takwa.
  • Mendukung terwujudnya akuntabilitas publik UIR atas efektivitas dan efisiensi penggunaan sumber daya Universitas Islam Riau.
  • Meminimalkan risiko pengelolaan aset dan meningkatkan kepatuhan operasional universitas terhadap semua aturan, undang-undang, dan kebijakan yang berlaku.


To Become a Center for Accelerating the Achievement of SDGs

This vision is established in order to realize the vision of Universitas Islam Riau. The vision of the TPB (SDGs) Study Center indirectly supports the provision of quality human resources ready to develop TPB (SDGs) studies to produce knowledge and technology that can be utilized to improve community welfare.


The mission of the quality TPB (SDGs) Study Center for accelerating the achievement of SDGs includes:

1) Supporting the achievement of TPB (SDGs) in Indonesia and the region by 2030

2) Independently monitoring the progress of TPB (SDGs)achievement

3) Conducting studies and services in the field of TPB (SDGs) 

4) Facilitating dialogue for the achievement of TPB (SDGs)

5) Providing policy recommendations for the achievement of TPB (SDGs)

Role and Function

The role and function of the UIR TPB/SDGs Institution is to support the improvement of SDGs achievement through quality TPB/SDGs studies and is specifically explained as follows:

1) Assisting Government Institutions and related Stakeholders in preparing Planning and Development Evaluation documents in order to accelerate the achievement of TPB (SDGs)

2) Providing opportunities for TPB (SDGs) Training and Internships

3) Conducting Workshops for Stakeholders

4) Webinar on TPB (SDGs)

5) Commitment on TPB (SDGs) workshop

6) TPB (SDGs) Leadership workhop

The function of the UIR TPB/SDGs Institution is to support the acceleration of TPB (SDGs) achievement through quality TPB/SDGs studies and is specifically explained as follows:

1) Developing multidisciplinary studies that synergize with the achievement of TPB/SDGs targets

2) Recommending study-based policies to the government and other stakeholders in an effort to achieve TPB/SDGs targets

3) Facilitating integrated TPB/SDGs clinics in real work programs from the village to the provincial level

4) TPB/SDGs in learning, research and service at UIR

5) Disseminating knowledge about TPB/SDGs among Campus and Community

Organizational Structure

  • Director of UIR SDGs Study Center

    Dr. Azharuddin M Amin, M.Sc

  • Secretary of UIR SDGs Study Center

    Mutia Fadhilla, ST., MSc